Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog, today we’ll be going through the NeurIPS 2023 paper, “Large Langauge Models are Semi-Parametric RL Agents”.
Key Points in Abstract:
evolvable LLM-based agent called REMEMBERER is proposed, possesses long-term experience memory that can be exploited across different task goals.
proposed approach apparently outperforms LLM agents with fixed examples and transient amount of memory.
authors introduce RLEM (RL with Experience Memory) - to update the memory
the method learns from experiences of both success and failure and evolves its capability by avoiding finetuning as memory is used to learn
show that its superior on two RL taks compared to SOTA
Key Takeways from Intro:
based on psychology theory that states that humans use episodic memory of experiences from past episodes to make decisions, by repeating actions that caused success and avoiding actions that resulted in failure, extend this framework to seq decision making in LLMs.
Existing work - 1) finetuning the parameters using RL - quite costly and computationally expensive 2) Algorithm distillation - in-context RL by embedding the RL training traj into the input prompt of a pre-trained decision transformer. - cannot embed whole experience due to input length
Thus RLEM - updates the experience memory rather than modifiying the model parameters - updates experience memory through analogical RL training so it can self-evolve
REFLEXION - LLM with short-term working memory - authors introduce long-term experience memory as short term working memory is tied to a specific task goal and the stored memory cannot be used for different goals.
Inner Monologue, Corrective Re-prompting, DEPS - take advantage of immediate failure feedback only once?
RLEM + LLM = REMEMBERER - utilize the experiences selectively based on the current state to optimize the decision
semi-parametric RL agent - evolve its ability through interaction experiences however without finetuning parameters
Experimental setup
RL Task sets with promising performance on LLM agents - web shop and wikihow
trained on a dew tasks and tested on some other tasks to check the inter-useability of task data and experiences.
RLEM Pipeline:
LLM agent observes
at time from the environment and then is used to retrieve several related experiences from the RLEM module according to some similarity functions, which are represented as , and corresponding state-action value estimates , where is the subset of retrieved experiences.based on that and the
LLM selects which will be executed in the environment and the resulted reward received as feedback.the tuple containing the experiences (
, , , ) are stored into the experience memorythe experiences are assumed to be a group of external parameters of the LLM based agents
off policy learning - task info g, and tuple from last step - to estimate the Q value using bellman optimality equation where unrecorded actions for the task are assigned a Q value of 0 using Q Learning
adapting the training memory for dynamic exemplars for few shot in-context Learning, where the exemplars are chosen based on similarity where two kinds of similarity are considered, task similarity and observation similarity between two observations
Details on Experiments:
Webshop and WikiHow are conducted on the models OpenAI API of GPT3.5Turbo and text-davinci-003
Webshop - instructed to browse the site and shop for target goods. score between 0 and 1 will be rated after shopping by assessing the correspondence between product and instruction.
webpage representation and a list of available actions — > LLM —> products to shop for
no immediate rewards only the last 5 actions serve as procedure feedback
inspired by cot and react - LLM is prompted to predict a reason for its decision – observation similarity based on web page representation into four patterns
task similiarity sentence similarity transformer
WikiHow - follow the instructions and navigate to the required page
intermediate rewards are available, the screen is represented in an HTML element sequence, last 4 performed actions and the last reward are given as feedback
task representation, screen representation and step instruction –> LLMs –> print the HTML representation of the operated element
They present ablation analysis of full model with variants like w/o bootstrap, w/o random and w/o discouraged actions and so on and look at avg reward and avg success rates for the two task sets
They compare performance with LLM only method, ReAct and REMEMBERER for different training sets and different initial exemplar sets and see consistent improvements across different settings